A job-seeker needs some advice about starting a job search relocating. And what options does an employee have after being terminated while awaiting a decision on an...
For employers reassessing their talent needs and company culture in 2022, these three strategies will help them not only survive The Great Resignation, but also build an...
While the metaverse offers many benefits, such as the ability to work from home while feeling more connected with colleagues, it will also lead to a range of new...
For Andrea Ferrara, CHRO for PepsiCo Beverages North America, strong leadership comes down to open and candid communication.
Insecure work has tightened the grip of structural racism on the labour market and deepened gender inequalities, the TUC has warned.
The post Zero-hours work ‘tightens grip of structural racism’ on the labour market appeared first on Personnel Today.
Food and drink giants will pay wages of staff in Russia while operations are halted.
The post McDonald’s and Coca-Cola to halt operations in Russia appeared first on Personnel Today.
The psychological consequences of perceived gender discrimination at work manifest differently in each sex, according to research by the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business.
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced on March 3 that the Department of Homeland Security has designated Ukraine for temporary protected status for...
Hays recruitment and Shell latest to sever ties with Russia, but other companies wrestle with difficult ethical decisions and complex choices.
The post Hays and Shell cut Russia ties but for other firms withdrawal is complex appeared first on Personnel Today.
Global health and security business tells Personnel Today about its operations in the two countries.
The post Ukraine and Russia: HR must play key role in risk management appeared first on Personnel Today.
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